A visit from Solomon’s granny

Solomon’s granny Jean came into Room 2 to talk to us about games she played long ago.

She brought buttons with her and she showed us a game she played with them from her childhood.

She also showed us how to play ‘Jacks’. We had lots of fun.

Her favourite game long ago was rounders.

A huge THANK YOU to Jean for coming in and telling us all about games from the past. We loved it.


Room 7 – OWLS outing to the park

On Monday 4th February Room 7 went to Harold’s Cross Park to explore the plants and wildlife there.

We conducted an experiment on how animals, such as hedgehogs, best hibernate in winter.  We used small bottles of warm water which we had to place in the best location to try to keep them warm.

We found out that leaves and twigs were useful to cover the bottles, whereas stones were of little help for keeping the bottles warm.

Room 7 – Write a book project

The children in Room 7 took part in the Write a Book project.  We spent 6 weeks writing our own individual books in a genre of our choice and on a theme of our choice.  We then spent several weeks editing and illustrating our books.

On Monday 4th February we published our books.  We took loads of photos and also got the chance to share our books with others in our class.  It was great to read everybody’s stories, recipes and factual books too.

Now our books have been sent off to another school where a fourth class there will have the opportunity to read our books.

This project took a lot of work but it was great fun and really exciting to take part in!

Room 7 – Celebrating Chinese New year

This week in Room 7 we were learning about China and Chinese New Year, which is the 10th February.

On Wednesday we learned about some of the myths, legends and superstitions that are associated with Chinese New Year, such as The Story of ‘Nian’ and The Kitchen God.

On Thursday we looked at Chinese clothes and tried to learn how to use Chop-Sticks. It was difficult to learn but also good fun!