String telephones in Room 15

The boys and girls in Room 15 were learning all about sound and how it travels through different objects.

We made string telephones and investigated whether sound travelled through the string.

7 thoughts on “String telephones in Room 15

  1. Those phones were so fun to make and after we made them we went out side and experimented if they actually worked and they did and then nearly the whole class got jumbled up when we were experimenting ALL TOGHETHER… we could all hear each others conversations not our partners…:D

  2. String telephones are so fun! They can slightly hurt your ear, but they’re so fun to make and use… funner to use, but still. πŸ˜‰

  3. I had fun making them and saying through them. It really works. The last time I thought it didn’t work. Science is fun!

  4. That was sooo much fun making the string telephones!!you can actually hear people from the cups if you keep the string straight!!

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