Visiting the ‘Jeanie Johnston’ Famine Ship

On the 28th of January some 5th class boys and girls went to visit the ‘Jeanie Johnston’ ship on Dublin’s Quays of the River Liffey.

We were learning all about the Great Irish Famine in history class. We went into Dublin City Centre and went onto the ship. We learned all about how people travelled on the ship back in 1845 while trying to escape the Famine in Ireland.

It was really interesting to learn all about life aboard the ship. We went to see the Famine statues on the Quays too.

We also went to Grand Canal Dock and did some sketching of the beautiful scenery and played in a really cool playground.

It was a really great day!!

9 thoughts on “Visiting the ‘Jeanie Johnston’ Famine Ship

  1. VERY VERY VERY SPOOKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. They Dummies weren’t fine actually😣😣But it was a good trip!I loved it!!!I REALLY WANNA GOO BACK 😣😣😝😜😊😍😍😘😘

  3. Love the Jeanie Johnston!!!!It was sooo amazing!!!It was kinda scary because of the dummies but it was fine!I WANNA GOO BACKK😣😣I hope it will sail again!

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