Microsoft hour of code in St. Louis – Technology

Some Microsoft employees were in St. Louis and they were completing an hour of code with every class in the school.

All of the pupils learned about coding and writing computer code.

It was really interesting!

Engineering in Room 11 – Forces and Energy

Future engineers! Room 11 had great fun designing and building using K’nex!

Making spaghetti structures – Forces and Energy

Marshmallow and spaghetti structures were constructed in pairs using basic pyramid structure.

Room 6 – making bouncy balls – Materials and Change

     Room 6 were busy mixing pva glue with come flour. Tben mix teaspoon borax in 2 tablespoons water. Mix borax solution into glue and cornflour mixture until it forms a new material a polymer which bonds together when pressed and rolled between hands. Add food colouring while mixing glue and Cornelius to give the ball a colour. Roll and squeeze until it comes together  into a smooth ball. 

Well done everyone!