Fantastic Gymnastics in Room 13

Room 13 rolled into the week with a super forward roll class with Ms. O’ Neill as part of Active Schools Week. We got to practice the five steps involved in forward rolling like a professional and then got to put these steps together to execute some very fine forward rolls. Thank you to Ms. O’ Neill for the enjoyable class!

4th Classes Make a Splash at the National Aquatic Centre 🐳

The 4th classes recently went on their school tour to the National Aquatic Centre where they had a blast on the slides, rapids and pools. We then stopped off for some fun at Tymon park before making it back to school just in time for home time. 

Everyone had a really great day!

Room 13 Get the Picture 🖼️

Room 13 were lucky enough to be invited to the Zooom Initiative at the Hugh Lane Gallery on Thursday 2nd June. The class split up and engaged in two different art projects based on two different pieces of art which we spent time observing, discussing and sketching. We looked at ‘Avignon from the West’ by Jean Baptise-Camille Corot and ‘The Fish Market, Patrick Street’ by Walter Osborne. We then created two different art projects inspired by the pieces we observed. It was exciting to be so close to so many famous works of art and to get the chance to get into an artistic frame of mind. We had a really wonderful experience and look forward to future visits to the Hugh Lane gallery!