High jumpers in Room 12

The boys and girls in Room 12 were with Mr. Coghlan to learn all about the high jump.

It was great fun.


Peer reading in 4th and 2nd class

Room 12 were lucky enough to read the Christmas stories written by Room 17.

Well done everyone.

Room 12 – learning about birds

Room 12 are learning about the winter birds that are living in Dublin City. We went on a nature walk to the canal to take a tally of the various kinds of birds we saw.

Halloween fun in Room 11&12

As we have been learning about different Halloween traditions Room 12 and Room 11 took part in an apple bobbing competition on Friday. 
They also made some delicious Halloween treats!

Future hurling stars in 2nd class!

After training for weeks with Mr. Whelan, the hurlers from 2nd class invited their parents into school to see a match.

Well done to everyone!

Carving pumpkins in Room 12

The boys and girls in Room 12 were busy this week preparing for Halloween by cleaning out and carving pumpkins.

Well done!